Sunday, September 14, 2014

Emit vs Omit

During one of our LoA meetings, we were discussing being able to manifest what we want into our lives.  Everyone went around and began discussing their thoughts and feelings about the ability, or lack of, manifestations.  Someone brought up the idea of our energies being like a flashlight to the universe, which is how energies are attracted, which fit perfectly with what I was prepared to say as I got my chance.  

My thoughts on our ability to manifest is are we Emitting or Omitting?  When we Emit, we are sending our energies into the universe for all to see and become attracted to.  We know that light is energy, and emitting our own light allows us to find others with that same energy, and cause a connection.  

When we are Omitting, we are stopping those energies from connecting with each other, and that's why we have a hard time manifesting what we want.  

When you are working towards a manifestation, remember to Emit, and your energies will be sent out into the universe to find like energies to help manifest your wants and desires. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Why do we have trouble manifesting?

During one of our LoA meetings, we were discussing why certain people have problems manifesting.  This turned into an amazing discussion.  Someone brought  up that some people have a fear of success, which caused the person who asked the question to demand a definition on what is the fear of success...   

Many people chimed in, and there were some great answers, and I also chimed in as well.  I brought up that people are so conditioned during their upbringing to lead a certain life, that anything outside of that, is scary.  Not knowing what's on the other side because no one told you that it is okay to be driven and successful, can lead to a huge amount of fear.  

Someone else mentioned that people are lazy, and that's why, which seemed to have ruffled some feathers.  I knew exactly what was meant when it was said, and both myself and another member defined that statement of being lazy as such.

Man is a habitual creature who enjoys the comfort of what he knows.  We do the same things so repetitively, and have given a name to it, "being comfy".  It's true, man is a habitual creature, and we enjoy the comfort of what we know, but we need to know that getting out of that zone and knowing that we deserve the best, and we deserve everything we want, is normal.  

So when you are trying to manifest something for yourself, remember that you are deserving of it, and you are the only person stopping you from getting it.